20 ביולי 2009

Introducing Kodkod Network

I am happy to introduce the new Kodkod social community. Kodkod network is brought up by acknowledged experts and students to discuss media and media effects. Kodkod, however, will also discuss other issues such as technology, Web marketing, SEO and whatnot

Today, media tools are in the hands of millions, and Freedom of Speech is widely supported and sheds light even in many of the corners of the globe. In spite of various means used by media tycoons and governments to enforce a moderate 'Normalization' on society, individuals like you and me can have a go and spread out ideas that make a difference.

Ignorance and indifference are 'luxuries' no one can afford today. Given the simple fact you are reading this, i earnestly think it is okay for me to assume that you have vast intellectual abilities and experience. That is priceless especially because today, tools are widely distributed to enable the paradigm shift from 'competition' to 'creativity'.

It is a fact that each of us brings with him a magnificent heritage and understanding of secret ancient cosmic laws, and the very tools that we utilize to understand ourselves are the ones that soothe our pains. Real secrets are made to be kept a secret and that is one reason why so many ideas and explanations are still out there for us to reach, deep in the misty mysteries of the wonder called life. In the endless dark spaces of the universe, enormous beacons of light were placed for man to discover and be illuminated.

Dear friend, please consider joining us to make a contribution to the Freedom of Speech, Creativity and Friendly Cooperation.

Join us to make a statement that we do have immense powers to influence our environments and culture, that we can share ideas that make a change. A truthful purpose will certainly bring good results.

We invite you to Share your ideas ! Talk about anything ! Spread the Word !

Be free and happy!

Greetings ! This in a new blog by Abstruct

At this very moment, from the convenience of my humble basement, i launch this blog named: Object of thought. Without any objective in mind, writing a blog might prove a bit risky. It is for that reason i have decided that this blog will basically revolve around the current trends in internet, which in my opinion is a good example for an Object of Mind. As you know, the internet is a very evolved mental concept with enhanced ssupportive technology, which makes the word 'Virtual' almost synonimous to Object of Mind.
An Object of mind is created to perceive a certain attribute, a certain virtue or value. It is that Virtue that is the dominator of this object of thought, whereas it is the very reason that object was devised. Without a reason, the Object would not have been formed.
An Object of Mind exists for every Object in Reality, because in order to come into being, several Objects of mind were considered. During the process of creating the said Object in Reality, The Mind-Object serves as blueprints.
It is the virtue transmitted by the Object which I call an Expression.
Once the Expression is initiated, it will continue to be expressed through the Object throughout its lifespan.
When this is expressed, it starts to affect other expressions. Upon imprinting this expression on another object, the latter [sometimes reffered to as Subject] might develop a third, Synthetic Expression which is a direct response to the expression, it reflects the perceived virtue, transmitted through the Object. I refer to this Perceived virtue as Impression.
This Impression may or may not lead to another form or expression which is now entirey independant.
In this short passage, i have outlined the basic concept behind my blog, i appreciate your time you have dedicated to invest just to reflect on this thought pattern.

In the next posts, i will discuss some other related concepts such as Transcending Mental Barriers, Creative Thought Patterns and much more.. stay tuned, drop me a line
